The program

The 1st Phase from November to December 2021 which is the call for applications
A selection of 15 artists; 6 Tanzanians and 9 Mahorais to carry out this training, build a regional network and cultural economic development.

The 2nd phase in January 2022 online and physical

  • Blending-learning training in webinars format
  • Creative talks
  • Training in French or English for preparation of the residency phases.

The 3rd phase in February 2022 in Mayotte

Residency from February 5th 2022 to February 23rd 2022 in Mayotte

The 4th phase in March in Tanzania

Residency from February 25, 2022 to March 14, 2022 in Tanzania

The 5th phase in February – March 2022

April 2022 a return of training and a final report.